Debian 8.9 megjelenés, Debian GNU/Linux 8 “Jessie” frissítés

Debian 8.9 megjelenés, Debian GNU/Linux 8 “Jessie” frissítés

Megjelent az új GNU/Linux, a Debian 8.9-es verziója, A “Jessie” kódnévre keresztelt linux disztribúció megjelenésével az első debian, amelyik a systemd-s initet tartalmazza. Két új architektúra támogatottsága is bekerült a Debian 8-ba, így már arm64 és ppc64-el  architektúrákon is futtatható a az új stabil debian.

Nagyon sok verzióban tölthető le a Debian Jessie, a szokásos architektúrákban, 32bites és 64bites verzióban, teljes DVD set, CD image. live DVD, a leggyakoribb Desktop verziókban, és a szokásos minimális “net-install” verziót is ingyen használhatjuk.

A Debian 8.9 linux frissítései, javítások

This oldstable update adds a few important corrections to the following

| Package                     | Reason                                |
| 3dchess [1]                 | Reduce wasteful CPU consumption       |
|                             |                                       |
| apt-cacher [2]              | Prevent HTTP response splitting with  |
|                             | encoded newlines in request           |
|                             | [CVE-2017-7443]; make sure /var/run/  |
|                             | apt-cacher exists                     |
|                             |                                       |
| base-files [3]              | Update for the 8.9 point release      |
|                             |                                       |
| boinc [4]                   | Improve adjusting OOM score; fix      |
|                             | security issue with xhost             |
|                             |                                       |
| c-ares [5]                  | Security fix [CVE-2017-1000381]       |
|                             |                                       |
| cfitsio [6]                 | Fix crashes related to improper       |
|                             | memory handling                       |
|                             |                                       |
| chkrootkit [7]              | Fix segmentation fault; fix missing   |
|                             | dependency on openssh-client; add     |
|                             | Built-Using field                     |
|                             |                                       |
| cqrlog [8]                  | tools/cqrlog-apparmor-fix, debian/    |
|                             | postrm: Check for /etc/init.d/        |
|                             | apparmor before restarting apparmor   |
|                             |                                       |
| debconf [9]                 | Use File::Temp instead of the         |
|                             | deprecated POSIX::tmpnam() in         |
|                             | Debconf::TmpFile                      |
|                             |                                       |
| debian-archive-keyring [10] | Add stretch keys, and move squeeze    |
|                             | keys to removed keyring               |
|                             |                                       |
| debian-installer [11]       | Rebuild against proposed-updates      |
|                             |                                       |
| debian-installer-netboot-   | Rebuild against proposed-updates      |
| images [12]                 |                                       |
|                             |                                       |
| debian-security-            | Update support status of various      |
| support [13]                | packages; update translations         |
|                             |                                       |
| debootstrap [14]            | Add support for Buster and Bullseye   |
|                             |                                       |
| eterm [15]                  | Fix integer overflow preventing the   |
|                             | shell from starting/stopping properly |
|                             |                                       |
| flightgear [16]             | Prevent overriding arbitrary files    |
|                             | from the  "save-flightplan"           |
|                             | FGCommand [CVE-2017-8921]             |
|                             |                                       |
| galternatives [17]          | Fix blank properties page             |
|                             |                                       |
| gitolite3 [18]              | Fix missing dependency on openssh-    |
|                             | client                                |
|                             |                                       |
| gnats [19]                  | gnats-user: do not fail to purge if / |
|                             | var/lib/gnats/gnats-db is not empty   |
|                             |                                       |
| gnutls28 [20]               | Improve check for /dev/urandom        |
|                             | uniqueness                            |
|                             |                                       |
| gtk+2.0 [21]                | Backport patch from GTK+3 to fix      |
|                             | stuck grabs in some situations        |
|                             |                                       |
| init-select [22]            | Check for /usr/lib/init-select/get-   |
|                             | init before calling it                |
|                             |                                       |
| intel-microcode [23]        | Update included microcode             |
|                             |                                       |
| libapache2-mod-perl2 [24]   | Fix test suite for compatibility with |
|                             | latest Apache 2 updates               |
|                             |                                       |
| libcgi-application-plugin-  | Fix missing dependency on one of      |
| anytemplate-perl [25]       | libclone-perl and libclone-pp-perl    |
|                             |                                       |
| libclamunrar [26]           | Fix arbitrary memory write [CVE-2012- |
|                             | 6706]                                 |
|                             |                                       |
| libdata-faker-perl [27]     | Run the test suite under a specific   |
|                             | locale                                |
|                             |                                       |
| libdvdnav [28]              | Use proper error handling when        |
|                             | position cannot be detected           |
|                             |                                       |
| libhtml-microformats-       | Fix missing dependency on libmodule-  |
| perl [29]                   | pluggable-perl                        |
|                             |                                       |
| libhttp-proxy-perl [30]     | Fix broken 'via' handling             |
|                             |                                       |
| libonig [31]                | Fix multiple invalid pointer          |
|                             | dereference, out-of-bounds write      |
|                             | memory corruption and stack buffer    |
|                             | overflow issues [CVE-2017-9224        |
|                             | CVE-2017-9226 CVE-2017-9227 CVE-2017- |
|                             | 9228 CVE-2017-9229]                   |
|                             |                                       |
| libosinfo [32]              | Add support for jessie and stretch    |
|                             |                                       |
| libsys-syscall-perl [33]    | Add support for more architectures    |
|                             |                                       |
| libterralib [34]            | Remove superfluous Conflicts/         |
|                             | Replaces: libterralib3 since that     |
|                             | causes problems upgrading to stretch  |
|                             | which has that package                |
|                             |                                       |
| libx11-protocol-other-      | Disable buggy test                    |
| perl [35]                   |                                       |
|                             |                                       |
| lxterminal [36]             | Security fix: improper use of /tmp    |
|                             | for a socket file                     |
|                             |                                       |
| netcfg [37]                 | IPv6 autoconfiguration: fix NTP       |
|                             | server name handling; stop queueing   |
|                             | rdnssd's installation with IPv6       |
|                             | setups                                |
|                             |                                       |
| offlineimap [38]            | Prevent the usage of maxage (broken   |
|                             | and may result in data loss)          |
|                             |                                       |
| os-prober [39]              | EFI: fix check on                     |
|                             | ID_PART_ENTRY_SCHEME, to look for     |
|                             | "dos"  instead of  "msdos" ; make     |
|                             | Windows Vista detection more robust;  |
|                             | add support for Windows 10            |
|                             |                                       |
| pam [40]                    | Rebuild to fix multi-arch differences |
|                             |                                       |
| partman-ext3 [41]           | Force ext3|ext4 filesystem creation   |
|                             | with  "-F"  so that D-I doesn't       |
|                             | "hang"  when re-using an existing     |
|                             | partition in some situations          |
|                             |                                       |
| perl [42]                   | Apply upstream no-dot-in-inc  |
|                             | fix                                   |
|                             |                                       |
| polarssl [43]               | Fix freeing of memory allocated on    |
|                             | stack when validating a public key    |
|                             | with a secp224k1 curve [CVE-2017-     |
|                             | 2784]                                 |
|                             |                                       |
| proftpd-dfsg [44]           | Fix  "TLSDHParamFile directive        |
|                             | appears ignored because unexpected DH |
|                             | is chosen"  [CVE-2016-3125],          |
|                             | "AllowChrootSymlinks off does not     |
|                             | check entire DefaultRoot path for     |
|                             | symlinks"  [CVE-2017-7418]            |
|                             |                                       |
| python-colorlog [45]        | Fix python3 dependencies              |
|                             |                                       |
| python-plumbum [46]         | Fix python3 dependencies              |
|                             |                                       |
| rkhunter [47]               | Disable remote updates [CVE-2017-     |
|                             | 7480]                                 |
|                             |                                       |
| shutter [48]                | Fix insecure use of perl exec()       |
|                             | [CVE-2016-10081] and system()         |
|                             |                                       |
| tcpdf [49]                  | Security fix: disallow tcpdf calls in |
|                             | HTML [CVE-2017-6100]                  |
|                             |                                       |
| unrar-nonfree [50]          | Security fix: add bound checks for    |
|                             | VMSF_DELTA, VMSF_RGB and VMSF_AUDIO   |
|                             | paramters [CVE-2012-6706]             |
|                             |                                       |
| w3m [51]                    | Fix multiple buffer overflows, use    |
|                             | after free issues and an infinite     |
|                             | loop                                  |
|                             |                                       |
| xarchiver [52]              | Fix possible data loss due to shell   |
|                             | metacharacters                        |
|                             |                                       |
| xfce4-weather-plugin [53]   | Adapt to new weather website APIs     |
|                             |                                       |

A Debian 8.9 linux biztonsági frissítések

This revision adds the following security updates to the oldstable
release. The Security Team has already released an advisory for each of
these updates:

| Advisory ID    | Package                      |
| DSA-3742 [54]  | flightgear [55]              |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3793 [56]  | shadow [57]                  |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3840 [58]  | mysql-connector-java [59]    |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3841 [60]  | libxstream-java [61]         |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3842 [62]  | tomcat7 [63]                 |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3843 [64]  | tomcat8 [65]                 |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3844 [66]  | tiff [67]                    |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3845 [68]  | libtirpc [69]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3845 [70]  | rpcbind [71]                 |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3846 [72]  | libytnef [73]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3847 [74]  | xen [75]                     |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3848 [76]  | git [77]                     |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3849 [78]  | kde4libs [79]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3850 [80]  | rtmpdump [81]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3851 [82]  | postgresql-9.4 [83]          |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3852 [84]  | squirrelmail [85]            |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3853 [86]  | bitlbee [87]                 |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3854 [88]  | bind9 [89]                   |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3855 [90]  | jbig2dec [91]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3856 [92]  | deluge [93]                  |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3857 [94]  | mysql-connector-java [95]    |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3859 [96]  | dropbear [97]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3860 [98]  | samba [99]                   |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3861 [100] | libtasn1-6 [101]             |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3862 [102] | puppet [103]                 |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3863 [104] | imagemagick [105]            |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3864 [106] | fop [107]                    |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3865 [108] | mosquitto [109]              |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3866 [110] | strongswan [111]             |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3867 [112] | sudo [113]                   |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3868 [114] | openldap [115]               |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3869 [116] | tnef [117]                   |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3870 [118] | wordpress [119]              |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3871 [120] | zookeeper [121]              |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3872 [122] | nss [123]                    |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3873 [124] | perl [125]                   |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3874 [126] | ettercap [127]               |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3875 [128] | libmwaw [129]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3876 [130] | otrs2 [131]                  |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3877 [132] | tor [133]                    |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3878 [134] | zziplib [135]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3879 [136] | libosip2 [137]               |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3880 [138] | libgcrypt20 [139]            |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3882 [140] | request-tracker4 [141]       |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3883 [142] | rt-authen-externalauth [143] |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3884 [144] | gnutls28 [145]               |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3885 [146] | irssi [147]                  |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3886 [148] | linux [149]                  |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3887 [150] | glibc [151]                  |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3888 [152] | exim4 [153]                  |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3889 [154] | libffi [155]                 |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3891 [156] | tomcat8 [157]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3892 [158] | tomcat7 [159]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3893 [160] | jython [161]                 |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3894 [162] | graphite2 [163]              |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3896 [164] | apache2 [165]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3897 [166] | drupal7 [167]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3898 [168] | expat [169]                  |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3899 [170] | vlc [171]                    |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3900 [172] | openvpn [173]                |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3901 [174] | libgcrypt20 [175]            |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3903 [176] | tiff [177]                   |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3904 [178] | bind9 [179]                  |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3905 [180] | xorg-server [181]            |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3907 [182] | spice [183]                  |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3910 [184] | knot [185]                   |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3911 [186] | evince [187]                 |
|                |                              |
| DSA-3912 [188] | heimdal [189]                |
|                |                              |

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