Debian 8.1 megjelenés, Debian GNU/Linux 8 frissítés

Debian 8.1 megjelenés, Debian GNU/Linux 8 “Jessie” frissítés

Megjelent azúj GNU/Linux, a Debian 8.1-es verziója, A “Jessie” kódnévre keresztelt linux disztribúció megjelenésével az első debian, amelyik a systemd-s initet tartalmazza. Két új architektúra támogatottsága is bekerült a Debian 8-ba, így már arm64 és ppc64el  architektúrákon is futtatható a az új stabil debian.

Nagyon sok verzióban tölthető le a Debian Jessie, a szokásos architektúrákban, 32bites és 64bites verzióban, teljes DVD set, CD image. live DVD, a leggyakoribb Desktop verziókban, és a szokásos minimális “net-install” verziót is ingyen használhatjuk.

A Debian 8.1 linux frissítései

| Package                  | Reason                                    |
| base-files [1]           | Update for the point release              |
|                          |                                           |
| berkeley-abc [2]         | Fix big-endian issues, memory alignment   |
|                          | and reproducible build                    |
|                          |                                           |
| blackbox [3]             | Fix possible loss of focus when clicking  |
|                          | on a window                               |
|                          |                                           |
| caja [4]                 | Postpone automount actions while session  |
|                          | locked by screensaver                     |
|                          |                                           |
| clamav [5]               | Fix clamav-daemon installability with     |
|                          | custom PidFile; new upstream version      |
|                          |                                           |
| cproto [6]               | Make -X command line option work again    |
|                          |                                           |
| cwm [7]                  | Fix  "Lookups for 'exec' and 'wm' fail on |
|                          | XFS"  by adding an extra check using      |
|                          | lstat() if the d_type check fails         |
|                          |                                           |
| dbus [8]                 | Change the default configuration for the  |
|                          | session bus to only allow EXTERNAL        |
|                          | authentication (secure kernel-mediated    |
|                          | credentials-passing), as was already done |
|                          | for the system bus                        |
|                          |                                           |
| debian-installer [9]     | Append DTB for SheevaPlug, SheevaPlug     |
|                          | eSATA and GuruPlug; build against         |
|                          | proposed-updates                          |
|                          |                                           |
| debian-installer-        | Rebuild for the point release             |
| netboot-images [10]      |                                           |
|                          |                                           |
| debian-lan-config [11]   | Fix package names on i386; switch back to |
|                          | nfsv3 to avoid freezes; disable adzapper  |
|                          | and browser-plugin-gnash as they're not   |
|                          | in jessie; add libcgi-fast-perl to make   |
|                          | the zoom in munin work; make installation |
|                          | of sudo-ldap and exim4-daemon-heavy more  |
|                          | robust                                    |
|                          |                                           |
| didjvu [12]              | Fix insecure tempfile use                 |
|                          |                                           |
| ejabberd [13]            | Add --enable-transient_supervisors build- |
|                          | flag; accept trailing newline characters  |
|                          | in Base64 strings; drop debian/ejabberd.8 |
|                          | as there is no  "ejabberd"  executable    |
|                          | any more                                  |
|                          |                                           |
| exactimage [14]          | Fix integer overflow in the ljpeg_start   |
|                          | function in dcraw [CVE-2015-3885]         |
|                          |                                           |
| fai [15]                 | Setup-storage: add support for parted     |
|                          | 2.4; fai: Fix IP address lifetime         |
|                          |                                           |
| feed2imap [16]           | Fix filter usage and  "include-images"    |
|                          | option                                    |
|                          |                                           |
| freeorion [17]           | Fix build failure                         |
|                          |                                           |
| ganeti [18]              | New upstream stable release               |
|                          |                                           |
| gdnsd [19]               | Fix incorrect error message, per-address  |
|                          | level udp_recv_width option limit,        |
|                          | plugin_extmon bugfix for bad timeout/     |
|                          | interval behaviour if either is >255s,    |
|                          | fix possible binding to incorrect port on |
|                          | startup                                   |
|                          |                                           |
| gnome-shell [20]         | Upstream bugfix and translation update;   |
|                          | workaround issue with wallpaper breaking  |
|                          | after resume with NVIDIA drivers          |
|                          |                                           |
| gnutls28 [21]            | Fix use-after-free flaw in                |
|                          | gnutls_x509_ext_import_crl_dist_points()  |
|                          | [CVE-2015-3308]                           |
|                          |                                           |
| hello [22]               | Test upload for jessie-security           |
|                          |                                           |
| ibus-cangjie [23]        | Fix duplicate character issue, Python     |
|                          | tracebacks, placement of candidate popup  |
|                          | and Taiwanese translation                 |
|                          |                                           |
| installation-guide [24]  | Remove mention of kfreebsd as supported   |
|                          | archs for Jessie; revert to documenting   |
|                          | that the text installer is still the      |
|                          | default; fix kernel source compression    |
|                          | extension in kernel-baking.xml; add an    |
|                          | example preseed entry for setting up      |
|                          | multi-arch; fix custom revision in make-  |
|                          | kpkg example                              |
|                          |                                           |
| ircd-hybrid [25]         | Fix a DoS from localhost clients;         |
|                          | configuration script no longer ignores    |
|                          | the result of upgrade questions; support  |
|                          | chained SSL certificates; don't display   |
|                          | upgrade warnings on new installs          |
|                          |                                           |
| lastpass-cli [26]        | Update upstream CA certificate            |
|                          |                                           |
| libav [27]               | Fix use of illegal instruction on i586    |
|                          |                                           |
| libdatetime-timezone-    | New upstream release                      |
| perl [28]                |                                           |
|                          |                                           |
| libdebian-installer [29] | Add device tree variants for supported    |
|                          | armel/kirkwood devices                    |
|                          |                                           |
| libi18n-charset-         | Remove a stray 'use blib' line            |
| perl [30]                |                                           |
|                          |                                           |
| libinfinity [31]         | Fix certificates only being checked for   |
|                          | issues if the CA is not trusted; fix a    |
|                          | client-side crash when the server shuts   |
|                          | down; fix some assertion failures and     |
|                          | inconsistencies in InfTextFixlineBuffer   |
|                          | [CVE-2015-3886]                           |
|                          |                                           |
| libraw [32]              | Fix DoS via crafted image [CVE-2015-3885] |
|                          |                                           |
| libvncserver [33]        | Ensure libgcrypt is initialised before    |
|                          | use; replace non-free SHA1 implementation |
|                          |                                           |
| linux [34]               | Update to upstream 3.16.7-ctk11; ext4:    |
|                          | fix data corruption caused by unwritten   |
|                          | and delayed extents; libata: Update       |
|                          | Crucial/Micron blacklist, blacklist       |
|                          | queued TRIM on Samsung SSD 850 Pro; USB:  |
|                          | Add support for XHCI on APM Mustang       |
|                          |                                           |
| mate-desktop [35]        | Add libstartup-notification0-dev and      |
|                          | libdconf-dev to the dependencies of       |
|                          | libmate-desktop-dev                       |
|                          |                                           |
| mate-netbook [36]        | Ensure Window Picker applet doesn't       |
|                          | override mate-maximus                     |
|                          |                                           |
| mate-utils [37]          | Show correct error message if loading of  |
|                          | the mate-screenshot UI fails              |
|                          |                                           |
| mew [38]                 | Tighten e-mail address match to avoid     |
|                          | incorrect key being used for encryption   |
|                          |                                           |
| mew-beta [39]            | Tighten e-mail address match to avoid     |
|                          | incorrect key being used for encryption   |
|                          |                                           |
| multipath-tools [40]     | Include dm-service-time in the initramfs  |
|                          | as it's now the default, fixing boot from |
|                          | multipath                                 |
|                          |                                           |
| mutter [41]              | Upstream bugfix and translation update;   |
|                          | workaround issue with wallpaper breaking  |
|                          | after resume with NVIDIA drivers          |
|                          |                                           |
| needrestart [42]         | Fix warnings and errors if a process does |
|                          | not have a valid working directory,       |
|                          | kernel version sorting and Perl warnings  |
|                          | while scanning dangling kernel symlinks   |
|                          |                                           |
| node-groove [43]         | Fix CPU usage                             |
|                          |                                           |
| open-iscsi [44]          | Ensure udebs are populated on all         |
|                          | supported architectures                   |
|                          |                                           |
| opencv [45]              | Build with -march=i586 instead of -       |
|                          | march=i686 on i386                        |
|                          |                                           |
| openstack-debian-        | Disable /etc/modules update for acpiphp   |
| images [46]              | and pci_hotplug; add security repository  |
|                          | to jessie images; fix ACPI shutdown for   |
|                          | wheezy and jessie; add nano by default    |
|                          | for non-minimal images                    |
|                          |                                           |
| osmosis [47]             | Fix java.lang.ClassCastException for      |
|                          | java.util.HashMap to                      |
|                          | org.openstreetmap.osmosis.hstore.PGHStore |
|                          |                                           |
| pdf2djvu [48]            | Fix insecure tempfile usage               |
|                          |                                           |
| pdns [49]                | Security update                           |
|                          |                                           |
| pdns-recursor [50]       | Security update                           |
|                          |                                           |
| perl [51]                | Make the Perl debugger work with threaded |
|                          | programs again                            |
|                          |                                           |
| pgbouncer [52]           | Fix remote crash - invalid packet order   |
|                          | causes lookup of NULL pointer [CVE-2015-  |
|                          | 4054]                                     |
|                          |                                           |
| php-horde [53]           | Fix XSS in group administration           |
|                          |                                           |
| php-horde-passwd [54]    | Fix password change via Kolab driver      |
|                          |                                           |
| phpbb3 [55]              | Fix possible redirect vulnerability       |
|                          | [CVE-2015-3880]                           |
|                          |                                           |
| postgresql-9.4 [56]      | New upstream version: avoid failures      |
|                          | while fsync'ing data directory during     |
|                          | crash restart                             |
|                          |                                           |
| python-dbusmock [57]     | Prevent code execution through crafted    |
|                          | pyc files [CVE-2015-1326]                 |
|                          |                                           |
| qcontrol [58]            | Wait for necessary devices to appear      |
|                          | before starting, working around an issue  |
|                          | exposed by systemd LSB compatibility mode |
|                          |                                           |
| qt4-x11 [59]             | Fix crashes in GIF, BMP and ICO decoders  |
|                          | [CVE-2015-1858 CVE-2015-1859 CVE-2015-    |
|                          | 1860]                                     |
|                          |                                           |
| qtbase-opensource-       | Fix crashes in GIF, BMP and ICO decoders  |
| src [60]                 | [CVE-2015-0295 CVE-2015-1858 CVE-2015-    |
|                          | 1859 CVE-2015-1860]                       |
|                          |                                           |
| ruby-defaults [61]       | Add  "Conflicts: ruby-activesupport-2.3"  |
|                          | to help upgrades from Wheezy              |
|                          |                                           |
| semi [62]                | Tighten e-mail address match to avoid     |
|                          | incorrect key being used for encryption   |
|                          |                                           |
| smstools [63]            | Drop non-policy-compliant  "reload"       |
|                          | option from the init script; use  "force- |
|                          | reload"  for logrotate                    |
|                          |                                           |
| systemd [64]             | Revert immediate SIGKILLing of units      |
|                          | during shutdown, leading to cleanup       |
|                          | failures; write_net_rules: escape '{' and |
|                          | '}', to work with busybox grep; manager:  |
|                          | pass correct errno to strerror()          |
|                          |                                           |
| tasksel [65]             | Make task-xfce-desktop recommend evince-  |
|                          | gtk | evince instead of just evince-gtk,  |
|                          | making the GNOME and Xfce desktop tasks   |
|                          | co-installable                            |
|                          |                                           |
| tecnoballz [66]          | Fix multiple gameplay issues - minimum    |
|                          | distance of bouncers to walls in boss     |
|                          | levels, gigablitz gague not working,      |
|                          | right click could exit game               |
|                          |                                           |
| tlsdate [67]             | Switch from to  |
|                          | as the former is now sending randomized   |
|                          | gmt values                                |
|                          |                                           |
| torbrowser-launcher [68] | Handle paths which changed in the         |
|                          | torbrowser 4.5 release; remove no longer  |
|                          | working  "accept links"  folder; stop     |
|                          | acting as default browser                 |
|                          |                                           |
| translate-shell [69]     | Restore functionality by switching to new |
|                          | Google Translate API                      |
|                          |                                           |
| tzdata [70]              | New upstream release                      |
|                          |                                           |
| ulogd2 [71]              | Correct JSON output of integer types on   |
|                          | big-endian systems                        |
|                          |                                           |
| unattended-upgrades [72] | Fix default configuration to match        |
|                          | jessie-security                           |
|                          |                                           |
| usemod-wiki [73]         | Adjust startform/endform to start_form/   |
|                          | end_form for compatibility with libcgi-   |
|                          | pm-perl                                   |
|                          |                                           |
| virtualbox [74]          | Fix crash in raw mode; fix kernel paging  |
|                          | issue, enabling operation on Broadwell    |
|                          | CPUs                                      |
|                          |                                           |
| win32-loader [75]        | Replace the Joy screenshot by a recent    |
|                          | Lines screenshot; replace |
|                          | with                 |
|                          |                                           |

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