Debian 8.2 megjelenés, Debian GNU/Linux 8 “Jessie” frissítés

Debian 8.2 megjelenés, Debian GNU/Linux 8 “Jessie” frissítés

Megjelent az új GNU/Linux, a Debian 8.2-es verziója, A “Jessie” kódnévre keresztelt linux disztribúció megjelenésével az első debian, amelyik a systemd-s initet tartalmazza. Két új architektúra támogatottsága is bekerült a Debian 8-ba, így már arm64 és ppc64el  architektúrákon is futtatható a az új stabil debian.

Nagyon sok verzióban tölthető le a Debian Jessie, a szokásos architektúrákban, 32bites és 64bites verzióban, teljes DVD set, CD image. live DVD, a leggyakoribb Desktop verziókban, és a szokásos minimális “net-install” verziót is ingyen használhatjuk.

A Debian 8.2 linux frissítései

| Package                   | Reason                                  |
| akonadi [1]               | Fix a bug that caused old files to be   |
|                           | kept when they should be removed        |
|                           |                                         |
| apache2 [2]               | Fix conffile logic for wheezy to jessie |
|                           | upgrades; fix -D[efined] or <Define>[d] |
|                           | variables lifetime accross restarts;    |
|                           | mpm_event: Fix process deadlock when    |
|                           | shutting down a worker; mpm_event: Fix  |
|                           | crashes due to various race conditions  |
|                           |                                         |
| apt [3]                   | Parse specific-arch dependencies        |
|                           | correctly on single-arch systems;       |
|                           | remove  "first package seen is native   |
|                           | package"  assumption; fix endless loop  |
|                           | in apt-get update that can cause all    |
|                           | disk space to be used                   |
|                           |                                         |
| bareos [4]                | Fix backup corruption on multi-volume   |
|                           | jobs; add autopkgtests                  |
|                           |                                         |
| base-files [5]            | Update for the point release            |
|                           |                                         |
| binutils-mingw-w64 [6]    | Apply upstream fix to handle Visual     |
|                           | Studio DLLs                             |
|                           |                                         |
| bird [7]                  | Correctly migrate bird6.conf from bird6 |
|                           | package                                 |
|                           |                                         |
| cron [8]                  | Cron.service: Use KillMode=process to   |
|                           | kill only the daemon, not running jobs  |
|                           |                                         |
| cross-gcc [9]             | Require bash in rules.template makefile |
|                           |                                         |
| dbus [10]                 | Fix a memory leak when                  |
|                           | GetConnectionCredentials is called;     |
|                           | stop dbus-monitor replying to           |
|                           | org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer messages,     |
|                           | including those that another process    |
|                           | should have replied to                  |
|                           |                                         |
| debian-installer [11]     | Add image for Seagate DockStar; add     |
|                           | symlinks for OpenRD variants; append    |
|                           | DTB for LaCie NAS devices that require  |
|                           | it                                      |
|                           |                                         |
| debian-installer-         | Set the menu icon text in the source    |
| launcher [12]             | package to read  "Install Debian        |
|                           | jessie"                                 |
|                           |                                         |
| debian-installer-netboot- | Rebuild against new debian-installer    |
| images [13]               |                                         |
|                           |                                         |
| designate [14]            | Fix mDNS DoS through incorrect handling |
|                           | of large RecordSets [CVE-2015-5695]     |
|                           |                                         |
| dovecot [15]              | Fix SSL/TLS handshake failures leading  |
|                           | to a crash of the login process with    |
|                           | newer versions of OpenSSL [CVE-2015-    |
|                           | 3420]; fix mbox corruption issue        |
|                           |                                         |
| ejabberd [16]             | Fix logging of nicknames in muc logs    |
|                           | and parsing of  "ldap_dn_filter"        |
|                           | option; postinst: restart on upgrade;   |
|                           | logrotate: don't signal a non-running   |
|                           | daemon                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| flash-kernel [17]         | Combine i.MX53 QSB and LOCO board       |
|                           | entries, they are the same thing and    |
|                           | the LOCO variant was missing DTB        |
|                           | information, possibly causing issues    |
|                           | during wheezy to jessie upgrades        |
|                           |                                         |
| fusiondirectory [18]      | Access javascript libraries via a path  |
|                           | relative to FusionDirectory's base path |
|                           |                                         |
| glibc [19]                | Fix pthread_mutex_trylock with lock     |
|                           | elision; fix gprof entry point on       |
|                           | ppc64el; fix a buffer overflow in       |
|                           | getanswer_r [CVE-2015-1781]             |
|                           |                                         |
| glusterfs [20]            | Stop creating UNIX domain sockets as    |
|                           | FIFOs on NFS                            |
|                           |                                         |
| gnome-terminal [21]       | Open new tabs in working directory,     |
|                           | rather than home directory              |
|                           |                                         |
| gnutls28 [22]             | Fix a crash in VIA PadLock asm; fix     |
|                           | GNUTLS-SA-2015-2, which allowed MD5     |
|                           | signatures (which are disabled by       |
|                           | default) in the ServerKeyExchange       |
|                           | message                                 |
|                           |                                         |
| gosa [23]                 | Fix idGenerator for patterns like       |
|                           | {%sn[3-6}-{%givenName[3-6]}; enable     |
|                           | CSV / LDIF import on (non-Debian-Edu)   |
|                           | clean installations by default          |
|                           |                                         |
| groovy2 [24]              | Fix remote execution of untrusted code  |
|                           | and possible DoS vulnerability          |
|                           | [CVE-2015-3253]                         |
|                           |                                         |
| grub-installer [25]       | Correctly propagate grub-installer/     |
|                           | force-efi-extra-removable to installed  |
|                           | system                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| gtk+3.0 [26]              | Fix several crashes                     |
|                           |                                         |
| haproxy [27]              | Fix a segfault when parsing a           |
|                           | configuration file containing disabled  |
|                           | proxy sections                          |
|                           |                                         |
| how-can-i-help [28]       | Use HTTPS to connect to UDD             |
|                           |                                         |
| kic [29]                  | configure: Do not add -L without        |
|                           | argument to $LIBS                       |
|                           |                                         |
| lame [30]                 | Enable functions with SSE instructions  |
|                           | to maintain their own properly aligned  |
|                           | stack. Fixes crashes when called from   |
|                           | the ocaml bindings                      |
|                           |                                         |
| libdatetime-timezone-     | New upstream release                    |
| perl [31]                 |                                         |
|                           |                                         |
| libgee-0.8 [32]           | Fix default value of --enable-          |
|                           | consistency-check, otherwise a very     |
|                           | expensive debug option is turned on by  |
|                           | default and would make a lot of         |
|                           | applications unusably slow              |
|                           |                                         |
| libio-socket-ssl-         | Make PublicSuffix::_default_data thread |
| perl [33]                 | safe                                    |
|                           |                                         |
| libisocodes [34]          | Fix GLib critical warning if the        |
|                           | environment variable LANGUAGE is not    |
|                           | set                                     |
|                           |                                         |
| libvirt [35]              | Teach virt-aa-helper to use             |
|                           | TEMPLATE.qemu if the domain is kvm or   |
|                           | kqemu; fix crash on live migration;     |
|                           | allow access to libnl-3 configuration;  |
|                           | report original error when QMP probing  |
|                           | fails with new QEMU                     |
|                           |                                         |
| linux-ftpd-ssl [36]       | Fix  " NLST of empty directory results  |
|                           | in segfault"                            |
|                           |                                         |
| lynx-cur [37]             | Use gnutls_set_default_priority()       |
|                           | instead of a custom priority string, so |
|                           | fixing GNUTLS-SA-2015-2 in GnuTLS does  |
|                           | not break SSL support in lynx           |
|                           |                                         |
| mesa [38]                 | Disable asynchronous DMA on radeonsi    |
|                           | which can cause lockups                 |
|                           |                                         |
| motif [39]                | Disable fix for upstream bug #1565      |
|                           | which caused segfaults in ddd and xpdf  |
|                           |                                         |
| mozilla-gnome-            | Restore compatibility with newer        |
| keyring [40]              | Iceweasel versions                      |
|                           |                                         |
| nbd [41]                  | Fix authfile parsing                    |
|                           |                                         |
| nss [42]                  | Fix certificate chain generation to     |
|                           | prefer stronger/newer certificates over |
|                           | weaker/older certs                      |
|                           |                                         |
| ocl-icd [43]              | Fix  "clSVMFree never called in OpenCL  |
|                           | ICD"                                    |
|                           |                                         |
| pdf.js [44]               | Drop xul-ext-pdf.js package since it's  |
|                           | not compatible with iceweasel 38        |
|                           |                                         |
| postgresql-9.1 [45]       | New upstream release                    |
|                           |                                         |
| postgresql-9.4 [46]       | New upstream release                    |
|                           |                                         |
| prosody [47]              | Fix CNAME resolution                    |
|                           |                                         |
| python-apt [48]           | Work around a cyclic reference from     |
|                           | Cache to its methods; LFS fixes; fix    |
|                           | splitting of multi-lines Binary fields  |
|                           | in dsc files; arch-qualify in           |
|                           | compare_to_version_in_cache(); fix      |
|                           | apt.Package.installed_files for multi-  |
|                           | arch packages                           |
|                           |                                         |
| python-                   | Fix S3token incorrect condition         |
| keystoneclient [49]       | expression for ssl_insecure [CVE-2015-  |
|                           | 1852]                                   |
|                           |                                         |
| python-                   | Fix S3Token TLS cert verification       |
| keystonemiddleware [50]   | option not honored [CVE-2015-1852]      |
|                           |                                         |
| python-reportlab [51]     | Correctly handle PNGs containing        |
|                           | transparency                            |
|                           |                                         |
| python-swiftclient [52]   | Add missing dependency on python-pkg-   |
|                           | resources                               |
|                           |                                         |
| r-cran-rcurl [53]         | Build-Depend on libcurl4-openssl-dev,   |
|                           | fixing issues with PEM certificate      |
|                           | bundles                                 |
|                           |                                         |
| rawtherapee [54]          | Fix dcraw imput sanitization errors     |
|                           | [CVE-2015-3885]                         |
|                           |                                         |
| requestpolicy [55]        | Restore compatibility with newer        |
|                           | Iceweasel versions                      |
|                           |                                         |
| rsyslog [56]              | Disable transactions in ompgsql as they |
|                           | were not working properly               |
|                           |                                         |
| ruby2.1 [57]              | Fix Request hijacking vulnerability in  |
|                           | Rubygems [CVE-2015-3900]                |
|                           |                                         |
| syslinux [58]             | Fix booting on some Chromebooks         |
|                           |                                         |
| systemd [59]              | Disable default DNS servers in systemd- |
|                           | resolve; use strictly versioned         |
|                           | dependendency on libsystemd-dev for the |
|                           | transitional dev packages; udev:        |
|                           | Increase udev event timeout to 180s     |
|                           |                                         |
| tabmixplus [60]           | Restore compatibility with newer        |
|                           | Iceweasel versions                      |
|                           |                                         |
| tcpdump [61]              | Fix -Z confirmation log being sent to   |
|                           | stdout, where it can get mixed with     |
|                           | pcap stream data if '-w -' is used      |
|                           |                                         |
| torrus [62]               | Revert broken patch refresh, thereby    |
|                           | fixing rrdup_notify                     |
|                           |                                         |
| tzdata [63]               | New upstream release                    |
|                           |                                         |
| ufraw [64]                | Fix buffer overflow in ljpeg_start      |
|                           | [CVE-2015-3885]                         |
|                           |                                         |
| unattended-upgrades [65]  | Make optional automatic-reboot work     |
|                           | again; really fix adding of jessie-     |
|                           | security                                |
|                           |                                         |
| wesnoth-1.10 [66]         | Disallow inclusion of .pbl files from   |
|                           | WML [CVE-2015-5069, CVE-2015-5070]      |
|                           |                                         |
| xemacs21 [67]             | Conflict against old transitional       |
|                           | packages to make absolutely sure that   |
|                           | they are removed before we try to       |
|                           | upgrade; remove dependency from support |
|                           | to binary package since the binary      |
|                           | package already has the equivalent      |
|                           | dependency                              |
|                           |                                         |
| xserver-xorg-video-       | Don't pretend to support rotation       |
| modesetting [68]          |                                         |
|                           |                                         |

A Debian 8.2 linux biztonsági  frissítései

| Advisory ID    | Package                   |
| DSA-3260 [69]  | iceweasel [70]            |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3276 [71]  | symfony [72]              |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3277 [73]  | wireshark [74]            |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3278 [75]  | libapache-mod-jk [76]     |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3279 [77]  | redis [78]                |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3282 [79]  | strongswan [80]           |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3283 [81]  | cups [82]                 |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3284 [83]  | qemu [84]                 |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3286 [85]  | xen [86]                  |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3287 [87]  | openssl [88]              |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3288 [89]  | libav [90]                |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3289 [91]  | p7zip [92]                |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3291 [93]  | drupal7 [94]              |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3292 [95]  | cinder [96]               |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3293 [97]  | pyjwt [98]                |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3294 [99]  | wireshark [100]           |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3295 [101] | cacti [102]               |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3296 [103] | libcrypto++ [104]         |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3297 [105] | unattended-upgrades [106] |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3298 [107] | jackrabbit [108]          |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3299 [109] | stunnel4 [110]            |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3300 [111] | iceweasel [112]           |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3301 [113] | haproxy [114]             |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3302 [115] | libwmf [116]              |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3303 [117] | cups-filters [118]        |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3304 [119] | bind9 [120]               |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3305 [121] | python-django [122]       |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3306 [123] | pdns [124]                |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3307 [125] | pdns-recursor [126]       |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3308 [127] | mysql-5.5 [128]           |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3309 [129] | tidy [130]                |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3310 [131] | freexl [132]              |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3312 [133] | cacti [134]               |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3313 [135] | linux [136]               |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3315 [137] | chromium-browser [138]    |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3317 [139] | lxc [140]                 |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3318 [141] | expat [142]               |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3319 [143] | bind9 [144]               |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3320 [145] | openafs [146]             |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3321 [147] | opensaml2 [148]           |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3321 [149] | xmltooling [150]          |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3322 [151] | ruby-rack [152]           |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3323 [153] | icu [154]                 |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3325 [155] | apache2 [156]             |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3326 [157] | ghostscript [158]         |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3328 [159] | wordpress [160]           |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3329 [161] | linux [162]               |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3330 [163] | activemq [164]            |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3331 [165] | subversion [166]          |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3332 [167] | wordpress [168]           |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3333 [169] | iceweasel [170]           |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3334 [171] | gnutls28 [172]            |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3335 [173] | request-tracker4 [174]    |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3336 [175] | nss [176]                 |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3337 [177] | gdk-pixbuf [178]          |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3338 [179] | python-django [180]       |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3340 [181] | zendframework [182]       |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3341 [183] | conntrack [184]           |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3342 [185] | vlc [186]                 |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3343 [187] | twig [188]                |
|                |                           |
| DSA-3345 [189] | iceweasel [190]           |
|                |                           |

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